Accelerating your child’s learning: Summer Booster Programs

Children have many plans in minds when summer vacation approaches. The problem is that most children completely disconnect from their studies during the holidays. There are no tests, assignments or evaluation taking place, so they don’t see the need to keep up with their studies.
However, this should not be the case. After the holiday your child must go back to school, so it’s crucial to still study during summer holiday. Read on for some of the benefits of going to summer booster classes during the summer holiday!

Why your child should participate in summer booster lessons?

Remember what they’ve learned
Studying during summer helps them recall everything that they were taught in class over the past year. Studying keeps your child connected to their studies, helping facts, ideas, and information to stay fresh in your mind. Research shows that humans actually forget what they’ve learned within two to three days. Even a quick refresh once a week can help curb this trend.

Reduce academic pressure
Studying during the summer can actually help reduce stress and academic pressure. It’s not uncommon to receive homework assignments to be completed over the summer, especially if they have a class that carries over. Studying while enjoying their vacation is an excellent way to get themself ready to complete their assigned tasks and still revise for the upcoming tests.

Prepare for the new semester
It’s a smart idea to bring next semester’s syllabus home with your children during summer vacation. It will give them a guide to what to expect in the upcoming semester. Plus, they get the opportunity to read ahead and prepare for the upcoming material.

Analyze their performance
During the summer holiday, they have time to focus on their overall academic performance. They have the opportunity to step back and see how they’ve been doing without having to worry about upcoming projects, tests, assignments, or other distractions. Summer booster courses allow to go through all the lessons and test themselves on different concepts and ideas. They’ll gain insight into what areas they need to focus more on.

Students with pending subjects

  • It is clear that those students who have gone through greater difficulties during the school year, and have finished the year with some pending subjects, must roll up their sleeves and improve their academic performance, regardless of whether they have to be examined in September or not.
  • To study in summer, the student must have:
  • A regular schedule: without being as strict or intense as the school year, the student must reserve at least 2 hours a day for studying. It’s better that they take place early in the morning – without having to get up very early – so that the child can leave their homework done, and spend the rest of the day doing whatever they want.
  • A list of everything that needs to be reviewed: in which parts of the subject has the student stuck most? In what areas may it be necessary to ask for help from an adult? Beginning the summer analyzing all the content of the course, and establishing learning objectives, will help the student to be more motivated.
  • Rewards for the effort: if the student complies with the plan and progresses properly in their studies, they should be receiving small rewards for it: let them play video games, go with a friend, etc.
  • Students without pending subjects
  • Those who have successfully passed the course must get their reward, in the form of more free time. However, we should encourage our children to continue learning, even in ways that they do not feel they are studying, such as:
  • Reading: it’s an essential habit that we must instil in our children. Summer is an ideal time for them to catch up with the novels, graphic novels or comics that they like the most. Besides, a study conducted at Rutgers University in New Jersey showed that spending time in summer to read improved the performance of students with poor academic performance.
  • Going on field trips: whether to the countryside, to the city, or to any destination, travelling is always a source of learning and culture. It does not have to be an expensive trip: any excursion you can take to a nearby town can be an enriching experience..
  • Carrying out projects: encourage your child to take advantage of their free time in the summer to create a blog, learn to cook, build an airplane model or paint their room: any project that may interest them, that they can plan and execute from beginning to end. When they finish it, they will have learned a lot and will be proud of their work.

Studying while on summer break may seem boring, but it doesn’t have to be. Take the time to learn something new in a relaxed environment and go back to school next semester refreshed and ahead on your studies!

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